jueves, 26 de julio de 2007

China: facts

Some of you (S' agapo Iris) have contacted me saying I should write some posts in English.

First of all, my English is pathetic. It doesn’t matter how many years I have been abroad. My grammar sucks and I will always have a strong spanish accent when I talk. So please, feel free to send me an email correcting as many mistakes as you find.

Let´s start. Next year I will be working as technical support for ICEX (Foreign Sales Institute). This is an office dependent from the Spanish government. I will be there from the first days of October 2007 till last days of December 2008.

I will be living in Beijing, the capital. So I will give some facts about China and its capital in case you are thinking about visiting me.

Country: People's Republic of China (中华人民共和国)
Population: 1,321,851,888 (I wonder who has been counting all these guys!)
Goverment: Socialist Republic (for many of us just communism)
Paramount Leader: Hu Jintao
Language: Chinese (1.2 billion speakers. In Beijing Mandarin Chinese is spoken with 850 million speakers)
Currency: Yuan

Capital: Bejing (北京)
Population: 15,000,000 (4 times bigger than Madrid!)
Tourist attractions of Beijing: The most well-known ones include the Badaling stretch of the Great Wall of China, the Tian'anmen and the Forbidden City.
Nightlife: Five main areas: Sanlitun, Houhai, Yuandadu, Gongrentiyuchang West Road, Wudaokou
Name of the local beer: Yanjing Beer
Actuality: It will host the 2008 Summer Olympics!

This was only a brief report with some data I am sure you wanted to know. More will come in short! Keep planning your visit!

10 comentarios:

Alberto dijo...

Enhorabuena por el destino! Pekín estaba entre mis favoritas, pero Saigón no está nada mal!

Aprovecha bien los 15 meses para recorrerte el país y aprender chino. A ver que tal se me da a mi el vietnamita...

Estás invitado a bajar a Vietnam! Por ahi estaremos a una media de 30 grados todo el año, así que si empieza a hacer frío y nieva, ya sabes...

Te veo en el curso...

Peque dijo...

Siento haberme quedado con Pekín, pero eso, eres bienvenido a compartirlo como visitante!

Estoy seguro de que Saigón va a ser el paraíso perdido. Y tal vez el vientamita sea más asequible... aunque quién sabe!

Y lo de vitiarte yo... no lo descartes! 30 grados es una temperatura muy deseable para disfrutar de unos días vacacionales muy agradables.

Nos veremos en el curso, y las cervecerias que lo rodeen.


Anónimo dijo...

I've learnt something today : Beijing = Pekin (sorry for my lack of culture...).
Do you know how many hours it takes from Beijing to Australia (Sydney or Melbourne for ex) ? I'd love to live in Australia for some months next year, and it would be great to visit you in China (all the more as I have another friend in Japan- this could be the excuse for an asiatic trip !). You would be very welcome too wherever I stay.

Peque dijo...

Hi Milie!
Beijing is the official name. However, the traditional translation from Chinese to spanish has been Peking and after many centuries the word has been softened to the spanish writing system becoming finally Pekín.

About how many hours it takes from Beijing to Australia I really do not know but I will find it out and let you know once I make it there!

I would be very happy if you decide to do one of your stops at my house in your asiatic trip!

Now I gotta leave u since I am at a cyber coffee and is not so convenient for my economy!

We will keep in touch.


Anónimo dijo...

Para empezar: patético en inglés se escribe pathetic, no patetic ni patethic. Que lo sepas.

Peque dijo...

Gracias por la corrección

Mark Rodmell dijo...

Hey Peque!!

Like the article mate - but you need to write more of them in English so that those of us untouched by the light of Spanish civilization can keep up ;-)

Love you man


Ola Jose!
Que tal?
Mi soy bueno! Tu es muchacho mui
inteligente y te tengo humor!

Peque dijo...

Hi Mark!

As you can see I keep posting from time to time in English.

But you should defintily improve your spanish skills to understand such an important civilization.

Give regards to everybody on CA

Carlos Pérez dijo...

Vale que por aki se bebe yanjing, pero la que de verdad se bebe es la
Tsingtao, vete aprendiendo esta palabra! que no es de Pekín pero está en todos los lados

Peque dijo...

Gracias predecesor. Hare caso de tus sabios consejos, gran maestro.